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“This is the real secret of life—to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” Alan Watts Overthinking depletes your energy. A day spent doing …
“This is the real secret of life—to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” Alan Watts Overthinking depletes your energy. A day spent doing …
“Happiness is simply the knowing of our own being—the natural, effortless and innate condition of our self when it is no longer pulled into an imaginary past or projected into an imaginary future by resistance and seeking.” -Rupert Spira Mental habits …
“The correct way of practicing … It is simply presence of mind, being awake to whether one is experiencing thought movement or stillness.” -Tsoknyi Be aware of what you are doing. To “be aware” is to know; it is an …
“Separation is suffering.” -Michele Enos Our conditioning, which we naturally accept as a child but seldom question as an adult, is the source of most difficulty. From birth, we are conditioned by our parents, teachers, and culture to believe that …