Petey and Gert. Petey said he could not remember feeling happier. “You have to start with what you are, where you are now. You are aware of the present state. You are now, you are not past, you are not …
Petey and Gert. Petey said he could not remember feeling happier. “You have to start with what you are, where you are now. You are aware of the present state. You are now, you are not past, you are not …
Tilopa’s six key points, or “Six Nails” of meditation instruction are timeless. “Let go of what has passed. Let go of what may come. Let go of what is happening now. Don’t try to figure anything out. Don’t try to …
“The most important thing is to be able to enjoy your life without being fooled by things.” -Shunryu Suzuki Left to right… Bending Time, by Rodgell; The I of Light, by JJ Horner; and Shunryu Suzuki, dispensing silent wisdom. “Without …