6 Words

BigJoni, when she wasn’t so big.

“Pay attention; don’t cling; be kind.” -Sally Armstrong

Man’s greatest asset is the ability to direct attention.

When you are caught up in a problem, pause, and just be aware as you breath in, be aware as you breath out. For three breaths, know you are breathing in, know you are breathing out. Now, where is the problem? It disappeared with the thoughts that created it.

Be more aware of your thoughts.

When you notice something that needs done, do it, so you don’t have to waste energy thinking about it.

For things you cannot change, like anything that “might” happen, you have two choices: worry and agonize until you are physically and mentally debilitated, or you can let it go. It’s up to you, moment to moment: don’t cling. 

As you calmly pay attention to what is happening, you cannot think about what isn’t happening. A still mind is its own gift.


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