A Goal

“Knowledge and ignorance are of the mind; they are born of duality. But the Self is beyond knowledge and ignorance. It is light itself.” 
-Ramana Maharshi

It is always now.

Tomorrow, have a single goal: Remember the moment when you first realized what day it is. Pause for a moment, and review what just occurred. You subtly wondered what day it is, then remembered the name of the day into existence. Until that moment, that “day” did not exist for you. It was just now.

The following morning, have a new single goal: The instant you wake up, watch… as you remember yourself into existence. In sleep, you—as a person with a name who does this or that—did not exist.

Realize that everything you think into existence is a mental construct—that you can choose to either accept or reject as not “yours”—and fewer things will bother you. You will just feel lighter, as things that used to feel so real, so true, shed their importance.

Ramana Maharshi

It’s up to you.

At each moment, it’s up to you to examine your mental responses and decide how you will be, now. 

When you notice a troublesome thought, mentally pause, and ask, is what I was just thinking about helpful? That’s all you need to do.

As you persist in witnessing that resisting experience is our only problem—and all resistance is in the mind, in how you think about things—the resisting mind begins its slow and steady death.

When you stop resisting, you start living.

Comments are welcome, and all questions will be answered.

A new topic will arrive each Friday afternoon, in one of two categories. One will be on shooting, and the other will be on living. Or: how I learned to live from what I learned by competing.

Thanks for coming in.