About me? Well, that’s work in progress. Let’s start with this for now…
Although my mom insisted she found me under a rock, I’m pretty sure I was born in Springfield Ohio.
My dad, or Daddyo as I called him, didn’t like guns. So the day I turned eighteen I moved out of the house and bought my first pistol.
I moved the family to Arizona when I was twenty-two. In a ’66 Chevy Pickup outfitted with cattle racks to hold all our stuff, including a Maytag washing machine. The rig looked like it was straight out of The Beverly Hillbillies.
In the desert, I set up courses of fire I learned from American Handgunner magazine. I was serious. If I wasn’t shooting, I was thinking about shooting or working on guns.
I trained hard and got pretty good. Over the next twenty years I won multiple state, regional, and national championships, and was sponsored by Springfield Armory, European American Armory, Sierra / Starline, Strayer-Voigt, Smith & Wesson, and Dillon Precision. In 1990, I published a book on Practical Shooting, Practical Shooting, Beyond Fundamentals.
In those days most gun lubes were junk. A fellow shooter, who was a lubrication engineer for General Motors, also new that. Together we developed the far superior: Slide-Glide.
After twenty years I’d had enough and retired from professional shooting. I started a forum dedicated to competition shooting and built a website to sell my book and Slide-Glide.
If I was lucky enough to get an order, you would have seen me peddling to the post office with the order in my backpack.
Today, my lightning fast shipping crew, which is actually my ex-wife and my daughter, ship every order received before noon the same business day, via the U.S. Postal Service. Unless they can’t stop squabbling about what we are having for lunch. In which case your order may ship even if we received it after lunch.
Thanks for coming in.
Brian Enos