Maku mozo! Archive
I’ve archived the Maku mozo!’s for those who jumped in mid-stream. Or for if you just want to see them all in one place. More zen-type quotes on the Words Page. |
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If the means is imitation, the end must be a copy. -Krishnamurti If I may say so, be open, sensitive, be fully aware of what is from moment to moment. -Krishnamurti The individual is important only in the sense that he has the capacity to free himself from his conditioning and understand reality. -Krishnamurti Happiness is never a matter of time. When there was happiness, you never asked how to continue in it; if you had asked, you would have already tasted unhappiness. -Krishnamurti Hope is the denial of life. -Krishnamurti It is good to be aware of the ways of one’s own thinking. -Krishnamurti Without first catching a glimpse of desire as a single unit, whatever we may or may not do will be of very little significance, for desire only multiplies desire and the mind is trapped in this conflict. -Krishnamurti There is freedom from conflict only when desire, which makes up the ‘I’ with its remembrances and recognitions, comes to an end. -Krishnamurti Time is the psychological enemy of man. -Krishnamurti The way to live is to be. -Lao Tzu Comparison does not bring about understanding; comparison is another form of distraction, as judgment is evasion. -Krishnamurti Do you see how important it is to be aware of what is and not be caught in what one would like it to be? It is easy to create an illusion and live in it. -Krishnamurti Becoming and being are two widely different states, and you cannot go from one to the other; but with the ending of becoming, the other is. -Krishanmurti We were talking of not giving birth to problems. If it may be pointed out, you must be aware of the manner in which the mind is creating the problem. -Krishnamurti Reality has no continuity. -Krishnamurti Can the mind be, at any time, other than what it has always been? -Krishnamurti Are you an entity separate from your qualities? -Krishnamurti We are seek security, constantly demanding that there shall be no disturbance; and is this desire not to be disturbed that makes us avoid what is and fear what might be. Fear is the ignorance of what is, and our life is spent in a constant state of fear. -Krishnamurti |
Peace is a state of mind; it is the freedom from all desire to be secure. -Krishnamurti … thought cannot find that which is not the product of thought. -Krishnamurti Comparison of what is with what should be brings pain. -Krishnamurti The relative forms of consciousness inevitably distort non-relative consciousness. -Merrell-Wolff That which I have named is in thralldom to me. -Merrell-Wolff Unrealized expectations are the single greatest source of heartache and discontentment in both our personal and professional lives. Just about every conflict ever endured at any level is the result of someone expecting someone else to do or say something other than they received. -Mark Ramsey i’m a slow walker, but I never walk back. -Lincoln Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be. -Lincoln What should you do? Wherever you are, examine your mind with accurate awareness. Clam yourself, quiet yourself, master your senses. Look right into the source of mind, always keep it shinning bright, clear and pure. Do not give rise to an indifferent mind. -Hongren All that we are is the result of our thoughts; with our thoughts we make the world. If a man speaks or acts with a harmful thought, trouble follows him as the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart. -Dhammapada The attentive man looks on wakefulness as his greatest treasure. Stay awake. Watch and reflect. Work with careful attention. In this way you will find the light within yourself. -Dhammapada The devout belief that the world is explainable is both a terrible vulnerability and a stout shield. -Briggs Whatever an enemy may do, he cannot harm you as much as your own wrongly directed thoughts. Once you understand, no one – neither your father nor mother – can do as much good to you as your own well-directed thoughts. -Dhammapada The ego wants to be witness to it’s own funeral. -Rinpoche Most people go through their whole lives and never really see anything. -Tuttle Life is like a maze of doors and they all open from the side you’re on. -Stevens By letting go it all gets done The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try The world is then beyond the winning. -Lao Tzu |
You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. -Buddha It is the thoughtlife that pollutes. If your eye is pure, there will be sunshine in your soul. -Jesus … we’re creating what we’re hating… -Brian Warner I’m not tired. I stayed up until 12:30 once. -Gage (age 8) Those who have reached the Way do not debate it, and those who debate have not reached it. -Chuang Tzu Keep in mind the tailorbird, at home on a single branch. -Han-shan Here’s the way to always win – the trick is don’t be greedy. -Han-shan Don’t think your cares will wait. -Han-shan Freedom is a state of mind. -Krishnamurti He who tells the truth says almost nothing. -Porchia It’s not events, but our opinions about them, that cause us suffering. -Epictetus Answers come from a quiet place. -Unknown When any single thought arises, both good and evil are there. If one will think about the foundation of good and evil, and do good and refrain from evil, his mind will become correct of itself. -Takuan Soho Facing everything, let go and attain stability. Stay with just that. -Hongzhi Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told: I’m with you kid. Let’s go. -Angelou The smaller the ego, the better life is. -Harms Emptying [one’s sense of] self-existence is wondrous. -Hongzhi Separate yourself from disturbance and face whatever appears before you. -Hongzhi Separate yourself from disturbance and face whatever appears before you. Not one iota seeps through from outside. -Hongzhi Merge together with all things. Everywhere is just right. -Hongzhi Arrive everywhere without being confused, be gentle without hesitation… -Hongzhi |
Concealed within a mistake is a lesson to be more attentive. -Unknown It is esential only not to borrow from other people’s homes. -Hongzhi Haven’t you yourself created the mind that thinks up all the illusory conditions? This insight must be perfectly incorporated. -Hongzhi Just when involved in deliberations, turn around from the stream of thoughts. -Hongzhi Once long ago a group of seven wise sisters were walking through a graveyard. One of the sisters pointed to a corpse and said to the others, "There is a man’s body. Where has the man gone."? -Unknown Please take good care of yourselves. -Hakuin We are riding on a railroad, singing someone else’s song… -Taylor When we do not expect anything we can be ourselves. -Shunru Suzuki When you live completely in each moment, without expecting anything, you have no idea of time. -Shunru Suzuki Because I thought I had another moment, I did not become serious. -Shunru Suzuki When you are not thinking that you have another moment, then naturally you can accept things as they are, you can see things as they are. You will have perfect wisdom at that time. -Shunru Suzuki To be completely concentrated on what you do, that is simplicity. -Shunru Suzuki Each time you shoot, shoot with confidence. -Shunru Suzuki It is a big mistake to think that the best way to express yourself is to do whatever you want, acting however you please. -Shunru Suzuki Notice how much happier you are when you are not wishing things are different from what they are. -Unknown A tiger catches a mouse with his whole strength. -Suzuki, quoting Tatsugami Roshi The kind of life you have is not so important. The most important thing is to be able to enjoy life without being fooled by things. -Shunru Suzuki If you want to find something interesting … enjoy your life in every moment, observe what you have now, and truly live in your surroundings. -Shunru Suzuki If you want to enter our practice, cut yourself off from outward objects an stop your emotional and thinking activity within. -Shunru Suzuki, quoting Bhodidharma All descriptions of reality are limited expressions of the world of emptiness. Yet we attach to the descriptions and think they are reality. That is a mistake. -Shunru Suzuki Round or square, big or small don’t belong to reality but are simply ideas. Shunry Suzuki |
To know what you are doing at any particular time is the most important thing. -Shunru Suzuki The way to study true Zen is not verbal. Just open yourself and give up everything. Whatever happens, study closely and see what you find out. This is the fundamental attitude. -Shunru Suzuki When you have a problem, see if you can find out for yourself why you have a problem. -Shunru Suzuki Without losing yourself by sticking to a particular rule or understanding, keep finding yourself, moment after moment. That is the only thing for you to do. -Shunru Suzuki This is the secret of the teaching. It may be so, but it is not always so. -Shunru Suzuki Don’t hold on to what’s to the left when looking to the right. -Unknown If you cling to an idea you create, like a self or an objective reality, you will be lost in the objective world you create with your mind. -Shunru Suzuki When you do something, you should burn yourself completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself. -Shunru Suzuki Even if you jump out of an airplane, you don’t go anywhere else. You are still one with everything. That is more true than I can say, and more true than you can hear. -Shunru Suzuki When you are not aware of your problems, they will appear unexpectedly. … So it is better to see your problems as soon as possible. -Shunru Suzuki The point is to attain complete composure. Ordinary effort associated with comparative thinking will not help you. -Shunru Suzuki I cannot give you what you are seeking, because I do not believe in any particular thing. -Shunru Suzuki Please take care of your practice. Be very kind with yourself. Thank you very much. -Shunru Suzuki The true judgement of a teaching comes when we taste it through experience. -Tsoknyi The most important aspect in Buddhism is mind, and mind means attitude. -Tsoknyi In order to obtain freedom, we need to abandon conceptual mind. … This is something to think about. -Tsoknyi Mind is immaterial. But this immaterial mind can know itself. It is seen the moment you look. And, in the moment of seeing, it’s free. What is freed? The fixing of attention, the fixation of subject and object, subject on object. -Tsoknyi Instead of getting caught up in whatever you want in that moment, try to be more stable in yourself. -Tsoknyi Meditation is simply paying attention to what happens. -Tsokni |
Mindfullness destroys habitual tendencies. -Tsoknyi Most of our problems in life come from not allowing things to happen. … We hope that something won’t happen, or are afraid that something will happen. … If we would just allow things to manifest and arise openly, our problems would be greatly reduced. -Tsoknyi … this is how to train. Let yourself be. You don’t have to do anything. -Tsoknyi … let yourself be at ease with whatever happens. -Tsoknyi Train in a carefree way. In order to know really how to train, we need to remind ourselves to be carefree and at ease – not spaced out or dull and withdrawn, but simply at ease. -Tsoknyi The main point is that we need to allow confusion to dissolve. Confusion means to mistake something for what it is not, to misunderstand something in a way that is not actually true. -Tsoknyi The correct way of practicing … is mentioned in all the vehicles. It is simply presence of mind, being awake to whether one is experiencing thought movement or stillness. -Tsoknyi Simply remaining in the noticing or knowing quality [of whether there is thought or stillness] is a correct basis for true practice. -Tsoknyi If your word is worthless, then so are you. -Hamilton People always think that the next experience will complete them, and stop this unending need. But it never does. -Hamilton Let be in equanimity, Immediately there is a quality of freedom… -Tsoknyi Simply allow yourself to be empty, an empty continuity which is also awake or cognizant. -Tsoknyi Simply allow yourself to be empty, an empty continuity which is also awake or cognizant. Within that state, everything can then unfold or takes place freely. Open mind is the basis. Remember, empty doesn not mean vacant; it means wide-open. -Tsoknyi In any case, be happy. Don’t entertain a lot of pointless worries, repeating the same words over and over again in your mind. A lot of our thoughts are repetitions, 30 or 35 times the same thought. And we play and replay the same ten themes, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Then we start all over again, thinking about the same ten things again. It doesn’t help that much, does it? -Tsoknyi Think about how much time we put into washing ourselves, freshening up, brushing our teeth, putting on make-up, and so on. It’s just as important to fix up your mind. If your mind is down, pull it up. Take charge of yourself. -Tsoknyi In fact, this is the main point of the Buddhist teachings. Be aware of your own mind. Let it be undisturbed and free of confusion. -Tsoknyi If we complicate our own lives and focus too much on ourselves, we forget how to be simple, and we are never happy. -Tsoknyi Allwo your present wakefulness to simply be; Totally without fabrication. -Tsoknyi Son, you’re not bound by perceiving, but by clinging. So cut your clinging. -Tsoknyi (quoting Naropa) To summarize, you need to be totally free of any clinging, like an utterly pure and cloudless sky. To be like that just for a second is very pleasant. -Tsoknyi We find that we can be free by simply resting in natural awareness, by simply letting be. That is how to liberate any disturbing emotion, any thought, any habitual tendency. -Tsoknyi Just like a drawing upon water which vanishes as soon as it is make, we discover that a thought can be liberated simultaneously with its arising. -Tsoknyi When we train in a way in which we don’t meditate by holding a foucs, and at the same time we don’t allow our attention to wander off in distraction, that is what is called true presence of mind, true mindfulness. -Tsoknyi Many of us make our lives very complicated with all the thoughts and ideas we have. If our thinking is very complex, even a small task can become too much. -Tsoknyi To sum up, the more loose and free you can be inside, the more deeply relaxed and open, the better. -Tsoknyi [The last sentence in the book.] Sometime go outside and sit, In the evening at sunset, When there’s a slight breeze that touches your body, And makes the leaves and the trees move gently. You’re not trying to do anything, really. You’re simply allowing yourself to be, Very open from deep within, Without holding onto anything whatsoever. Don’t bring something back from the past, from a memory. Don’t plan that something should happen. Don’t hold onto anything in the present. Nothing you perceive needs to be nailed down. Simply let experience take place, very freely, So that your empty, open heart Is suffused with the tenderness of true compassion. -Tsoknyi |
A student asked, "If a tree fals in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?" "It doesn’t matter," Suzuki Roshi answered. One night afer a dharma talk, I asked Suzuki Roshi a question about life and death. The answer he gave made my fear of death, for that moment, pop like a bubble. He looked at me and said, "You will always exist in the universe in some form." If it’s not paradoxical, it’s not true. -Shunryu Suzuki One day in a lecture Suzuki Roshi said, "When you are completely absorbed in your breathing, there is no self. What is your breathing? That breathing is not you, not air. What is it? It is not self at all. When there is no self, you have absolute freedom. Because you have a silly idea of self, you have a lot of problems." -Shunryu Suzuki Things go the way the mind goes. -Shunryu Suzuki The most important thing … is … to … find … out … what … is … the … most important thing. -Shunryu Suzuki Not to be subject to affliction is what’s meant by liberation. There is no other liberation. -Bodhidharma It is only because you cling to outward forms that you come to "see," "hear," "feel," and "know" things as individual entities. True perception is beyond your powers so long as you indulge in this. -Huang Po This teaching is called The Great Way. The very nature of the Great Way is voidness of opposition. -Huang Po Full understanding can come to you only through an inexpressible mystery. -Huang Po A perception, sudden as blinking, that subject and object are one, will lead to a deeply mysterious wordless understanding; and by this understanding will you awake to the truth of Zen. -Huang Po Have no longing to become a future Buddha; your sole concern should be, as thought succeeds thought, to avoid clinging to any of them. -Huang Po The Way is not something which can be studied. Study leads to the retention of concepts and so the Way is entirely misunderstood. -Huang Po Our bodies are the creations of our own minds. But how can one expect to gain such knowledge from books? -Huang Po Question: What is implied by "seeing into the Real Nature"? Answer: That Nature and your perception of it are one. … Let me repeat that the perceived cannot perceive. -Huang Po The man who "perceives" things always wants to identify them, to get a hold on them. Those who use their minds like eyes in this way are sure to suppose that progress is a matter of stages. If you are that kind of person, you are as far from the truth as earth is far from heaven. Why this talk of "seeing into your own nature"? -Huang Po A man drinking water knows well enough whether it is cool or warm. -Huang Po Only when your minds cease dwelling on anything whatsoever will you come to an understanding of the true way of Zen. -Huang Po My advice is to give up all indulgence in conceptual thought and intellectual processes. -Huang Po |
DO NOT PERMIT THE EVENTS OF YOUR DAILY LIVES TO BIND YOU, BUT NEVER WITHDRAW YOURSELVES FROM THEM. -Huang Po Never allow yourselves to mistake outward appearance for reality. -Huang Po Avoid the error of thinking in terms of past, present, and future. The past has not gone, the present is but a fleeting moment; the future is not yet to come. -Huang Po … do not permit the least movement of your mind to disturb you. This alone is what is called liberation. -Huang Po The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible. -Oscar Wilde Beauty and wonder are accessible through simple and routine activities, if and when you care for and identify with what it is that you are doing. -Brian Curtis (artist) Students of the way need study no doctrines whatever, but learn only how to avoid seeking for and attaching yourselves to anything. -Huang Po When you’re betting for stones in an archery contest, you shoot with skill. When you’re betting for fancy belt buckles, you worry about your aim. And when you’re betting for real gold, you’re a nervous wreck. Your skill is the same in all three cases – but because one prize means more to you than another, you let outside concerns weigh on your mind. He who looks too hard at the outside gets clumsy on the inside. -Chuang Tzu One of the great teachings of Hui-neng is to trust the word in one’s own heart. To know that is all one needs. -Barragato The great delusion is that there is something there. -Barragato The Buddha was once asked, "What is the true teaching?" The Buddha’s response was, "Look inside yourselves and that which you know to be a good thing to do, do, and that which you know not to be a good thing to do, don’t do." -Barragato (quoting the Buddha) Nothing is born, nothing is destroyed. Away with your dualism, your likes and dislikes. Every single thing is just the One Mind. -Huang Po Question: Should we not seek for anything at all? Answer: By conceding this, you would save yourself a lot of mental effort. -Huang Po Observe things as they are and don’t pay attention to other people. -Huang Po You should know how to put all mental activity to rest and thus achieve tranquility. Certainly, do not begin by thinking things out and ending up in perplexity. -Huang Po The primary cause of disorder in ourselves is the seeking of reality promised by another. -Krishnamurti Our ultimate aim should be to change deluded experience, not to eliminate experiencing itself. -Tsoknyi … everything stands or falls with whether or not we cling to them. -Tsoknyi |
What should you do? Wherever you are, examine your mind with accurate awareness. Calm yourself, quiet yourself, master your senses. Look right into the source of mind, always keep it shinning bright, clear and pure. Do not give rise to an indifferent mind. -Hongren It is said that we should not fear the arising of thoughts, just fear being slow to notice. -Chinul Not to be subject to affliction is what’s meant by liberation. There’s no other liberation. -Bodhidharma Great understanding is broad and unhurried; little understand is cramped and busy. -Chuang Tzu Question: If someone is determined to reach enlightenment, which is the most essential method he can practice? Answer: The most essential method, which includes all other methods, is beholding the mind. -Bodhidharma Everything good and bad comes from your own mind. To find something beyond the mind is impossible. -Bodhidharma Everyone knows enough to pursue what he does not know, but no one knows enough to pursue what he already knows. -Chuang Tzu The torch of chaos and doubt – this is what the sage steers by. -Chuang Tzu The way to do is to be. -Lao Tzu Let everything find its own enjoyment. -Chuang Tzu By being alive to difficulty one can avoid it. -Lao Tzu When minds are conditioned to discover truth in subtle complexities, it may become emotionally repugnant to accept a principle so simple that it seems to make intellect obsolete. -Thurman Make it a secret principle in either seeing or hearing not to detain the mind in one place. -Takuan Soho All living beings form habits of action influenced by subjective feelings and affections based on ignorance of the essence of awareness. -Chinul Just as insects can alight anywhere but on the flames of a fire, the minds of emotional people can form relations to anything except transcendent insight. -Pai-chang You do not need to seek reality, just stop entertaining views and opinions. When doing the inner work, the instant a thought arises, immediately break through it by awakeness. -Chinul Be master of mind; don’t be mastered by mind. Just be aware, mirrorlike, right now. -Pai-chang What I teach people just requires you not to take on the confusion of others. If you need to act, then act, without any further hesitation or doubt. -Lin-chi What you must do is step back and figure out your own standpoint: what logic is there to it? You simply must pay attention! Take care. -Yun-men People know good and bad but not how good and bad begin and end; is that complete knowledge? Is it complete knowledge to know the end but not the beginning? -Ming-chiao If you can look back again and again into the source of mind, whatever you are doing, not sticking to any image of a person or self at all, then this is "turning the light around wherever you are." This is the finest practice. -T’ai i chin hua tsung chih |
It is said that we are the same in essence but different in feeling. There is no difference in feeling either; it is just that habits develop unnoticed, evolving in a stream, continuing to the present, so that their defiling influence cannot be shed. -T’ai i chin hua tsung chih What is the teaching of Buddhism? It is a teaching to see what is. -Takuan Soho Do wholeheartedly what you wish to do and do not do what you are hesitant about. -Takuan Soho Do not fear anything. When you fear you will fail. Fearing is for ordinary days. On important occasions do not fear. Do not fear. -Takuan Soho The world is seen not as it is, but in its various relationships to the "me" of memory. -Krishnamurti All that you have to do is to be aware from the beginning to the end, not become inattentive in the middle of it. -Krishnamurti This is the miracle of perception – perceive with a heart and mind that are completely cleansed of the past. Be simple. -Krishnamurti The state of seeing is more important than what is seen. -Krishnamurti The way you perceive is what you are. -Krishnamurti Intellectual perception is only partial perception, yet perceiving with the intellect seems to satisfy most of us, and we think we understand. -Krishnamurti First of all, it is the mind that divides itself as feeling, intellect, and environment; it is the mind that invents the outside agency; it is the mind that creates the problem. -Krishnamurti So our problem is not the integration of the different fragments [of our mind: thinking and feeling] but the understanding of this mind and heart which are one. -Krishnamurti Freedom is the state of mind in which there is no form of resistance whatsoever. -Krishnamurti Belief is one thing and "what is" is another. Belief is a word, a thought, and this is not the thing, any more than your name is actually you. -Krishnamurti You will always experience what you believe and nothing else. And this invalidates your experience. -Krishnamurti Questioner: Do you really have no illusion at all about anything? I am not all the time measuring myself or others. This freedom from measurement comes about when you are really living with what is – neither wishing to change it nor judging it in terms of good and bad. Living with something is not the acceptance of it: it is there whether you accept it or not. -Krishnamurti The beginning of wisdom is to understand yourself. Begin understanding yourself. -Krishnamurti Questioner: How can you can you bring about order in a brain that is disorderly, contradictory, in itself? It can be done by watchfulness throughout the day, and then, before sleeping, by putting everything that has been done during the day in order. In that way the brain does not go to sleep in disorder. -Krishnamurti See what happens when the brain is completely still. See what happens. -Krishnamurti I wish to believe but belief is a graveyard. -Bukowski There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness. -Dalai Lama … what matters is now. -Bukowski |
Moment after moment, completely dedicate yourself to listening to your inner voice. -Shunryu Suzuki Be a lamp unto yourself. Work out your liberation with diligence. -Buddha All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become. -Buddha You must know for yourself, directly, the truth of yourself and you cannot realize it through another, however great. There is no authority that can reveal it. -Krishnamurti You yourself have to be the master and the pupil. The moment you acknowledge another as a master and yourself as a pupil, you are denying truth. There is no master, no pupil, in the search for truth. -Krishnamurti If you are very clear, if you are inwardly a light unto yourself, you will never follow anyone. -Krishnamurti You are your own master, you make your own future. -Buddha Abide with oneself as an island, with oneself as a refuge. … Seek not for an external refuge. -Buddha Be vigilant; guard your mind against negative thoughts. -Buddha Beings are owners of their action, heirs of their action. -Buddha Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. -Buddha … everything stands or falls with whether or not we cling to them. -Tsoknyi Rinpoche Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. -Buddha The mind is everything. What you think you become. -Buddha The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. -Buddha When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky. -Buddha You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. -Buddha The way is to have a complete experience with full feeling in every moment, not to use each moment to think about the past or future, trying to make sense of it all. -Shunryu Suzuki It is only because our life is so habitually and so firmly based on a mechanical understanding that we think that our everyday life is repetitious. But it is not so. No one can repeat the same thing. Whatever you do, it will be different from what you do in the next moment. That is why we should not waste our time. -Shunryu Suzuki Because things don’t actually go as you expect, there is suffering. -Shunryu Suzuki |
The only way you can endure your pain is to let it be painful. -Shunryu Suzuki We should know our tendencies. -Shunryu Suzuki Whe you are fooled by something else, the damage will not be so big. But when you are fooled by yourself, it is fatal. -Shunryu Suzuki When you look at life carefully, you will find out how important it is to become a trustworthy person. -Shunryu Suzuki Question: "In just a few words, what is Buddhism all about?" Accept what is as it is and help it to be its best. -Shunryu Suzuki In reflecting on our problems, we should include ourselves. -Shunryu Suzuki Do not say too late. -Shunryu Suzuki The point is where you don’t expect it to be. -Shunryu Suzuki When there is feedom from self, you have absolute freedom. -Shunryu Suzuki When you practice as though this were your last moment, you will have freedom from everything. -Shunryu Suzuki The most important thing is to be able to enjoy your life without being folled by things. -Shunryu Suzuki So the secret is to say ‘Yes!’ and jump off from here. Then there is no problem. It means to be yourself in the present moment, always yourself without sticking to an old self. You forget all about your old self and are refreshed. -Shunryu Suzuki Life is like stepping onto a boat that is about to sail out to sea and sink. -Shunryu Suzuki First thought, best thought. -Shunryu Suzuki Like the birds I came, No road under my feet. A golden-chained gate unlocks itself. -Shunryu Suzuki As long as you seek for something, you will get the shadow of reality and not reality itself. -Shunryu Suzuki When you say "Wait a moment," you are bound by your own karma; when you say "Yes I will," you are free. -Shunryu Suzuki Things go the way the mind goes. -Shunryu Suzuki Don’t think about things that you don’t want to happen. -Unknown The way to study Zen is to be always aware of yourself, to be careful, to be sincere with yourself. …always remain conscious of what you are doing, of what is going on. -Shunryu Suzuki |