
I’m happy to announce that BrianEnos.com is now a part of Brownells new Affiliate Program. Which means I get a (very) small kickback for Brownells purchases that come from BrianEnos.com.

So whenever you buy any of Brownells fine products, if you head to Brownells.com by clicking the Brownells banner ad above (or the links to the right), you’ll generate some good BrianEnos.com karma for you, me, and Brownells. 

I’ve been a big Brownells fan from my earliest shooting memories, when I realized that not only do I like to shoot guns, but I like to “work on ’em,” too.

I still remember when I saw my first Brownells catalog. I thought it was the coolest thing in print, ever. I read the catalog like people read their favorite book – over and over. I remember dreaming of all the nice whetstones, files, and gunsmithing tools I would buy, some day, when I could afford them.

So today, to be involved with Brownells professionally is an honor. They sell my Practical Shooting book and Slide-Glide lubricant. And now I can send customers their way from my website.

Thank you,

Brian Enos