Still shot of dresser on fire.
I had a crazy cool dream.
I was with a group of kids; I was an adult, but I was with kids. I was talking with the kids, and I told them I was adopted. For some reason that seemed important, like it had some meaning that I couldn’t understand.
I asked them if anyone in the group was adopted. One kid said yes, and when I looked at that kid he didn’t have a face. Where his head should be was some sort of shape, like a globe or a sphere of some sort.
I asked him how old he was and how he was doing. He said he was fourteen. Then he paused a bit and his body kind of shook, like he wasn’t doing to good.
I said, “well that’s a rough age, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen. Nothing is working out, and you feel like rebelling against everything. It’s hard, but it’s going to get better.”
Then the dream switched to a dog. It was just me and the dog, and I’m pretty sure it was a golden lab. The dog was running around and I was chasing it. The dog finally stopped and I asked, “do you know this kid, and will you be around him as he gets older?”
The dog nodded and said yes. I said, “Here’s what I want you to do. Start buying books on Zen. And start reading the books to the kid.
“You read to each other, you each read to yourself, and most importantly, you both put into practice what you’ve learned from the books on Zen.
“Do that for your entire lives, and that’s going to be the best thing that’s ever happened to both of you.”
The dog was nodding and whimpering and making all sorts of enthusiastic and happy sounds.
“The forests and flowers, the grasses and leaves, people and animals, great and small, long and short, square and round, all appear at once, without depending on the discriminations of your thoughts and attention.” -Ejo
“This is how to contemplate our conditioned existence in this fleeting world: Like a tiny drop of dew, or a bubble floating in a stream; like a flash of lightning in a summer cloud, or a flickering lamp, an illusion, a phantom, or a dream. So is all conditioned existence to be seen.” -The Buddha