How Marvelous

BigJoni in Hawaii for my 60th birthday celebration.
I hope you enjoy this collection of thought-stoppers…
“How marvelous! This is truly marvelous and superb! The secret of all perfect buddhas is that things come and go within what does not come or go, yet in the very act of their coming or going, there is no coming or going!
“Since everything is but an apparition, having nothing to do with good or bad, acceptance or rejection, one may well burst out in laughter.”
“In the experience of yogins who do not perceive things dualistically, the fact that things manifest without truly existing is so amazing that they burst into laughter.”
“What you recognize is here already.”
-Sri Atmamanda
“All I know is that whatever depends, is not real. The real is truly independent. Since the existence of the person depends on the existence of the world and it is circumscribed and defined by the world, it cannot be real.”
-Nisargadatta Maharaj
“Is there anything at all, even in the slightest?”
“The forests and flowers, the grasses and leaves, people and animals, great and small, long and short, square and round, all appear at once, without depending on the discriminations of your thoughts and attention.”