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“Watch yourself closely and you will see that whatever be the content of consciousness, the witnessing of it does not depend on the content. Awareness is itself and does not change with the event. The event may be pleasant of unpleasant, minor or important, awareness is the same. Take note of the peculiar nature of pure awareness, its natural self-identity, without the least trace of self-consciousness, and go to the root of it and you will soon realize that awareness is your true nature, and nothing you can be aware of, you can call your own. When the content is viewed without likes and dislikes, the consciousness of it is awareness.”
-Nisargadatta Maharj
No matter where you are or what is happening, you always know that you are.
The only thing you always know with certainty—that never changes—is the feeling that you are… The “I-feeling.”
We think, “I am hungry,” “I am tired,” “I am cold,” or, “I wish this wasn’t happening…”
Everything after the “I-feelng” is “extra,” or added to the primary experience of being aware, of knowing-presence.
To stabilize in peace, let go of the “extra,” and stay with the knowing principle: I am.
Whatever it is that knows the feeling of presence, be that.
Never believe anything you read or hear.