In The Silence Of…
“Hmmm” … by JJ Horner
“If you want to find something interesting … enjoy your life in every moment, observe what you have now, and truly live in your surroundings.”
-Shunryu Suzuki
Before you roll out of bed each morning, be still for a few moments, and: breathing in, know you are breathing in; breathing out, know you are breathing out.
Throughout the day, randomly, pause, and: know you are aware. The feeling of simply being aware—without thinking about anything—is quite pleasant.
It doesn’t matter what we think about… Not knowing that we are thinking is the source of mental difficulty.
Put the deceptive mind to sleep. Each time you catch yourself thinking about something that isn’t happening, shift attention from useless thoughts to attention itself.
When you know you are aware you are free of deception.
Whatever works for you, at any time or place—to know you are aware—is the best thing you can do for yourself.
In the silence of self-awareness, the mind sheds its deceptive nature and becomes correct of itself.
Thanks for coming in.