It’s Up To You
Me and Robbie in my backyard, after the 1983 Bianchi Cup. Photo by Nyle Leatham
“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness.” -Thich Nhat Hanh
It is always now.
Tomorrow, have a single goal: Be aware of when you first knew what day it is. Pause, and review what just occurred. You wondered what day it is—perhaps almost unconsciously—then remembered the name of the day into existence. Until that conscious activity, a particular “day” did not exist for you.
The following morning, have a new goal: The instant you wake up, be aware… As you remember yourself into existence. In sleep, “you”—as a physical body with a name—did not exist.
Everything you think into existence is a mental construct—which you can, if you are aware of it—accept as helpful, or, if debilitating, let it go.
When you notice a disturbing thought, mentally pause, and in the pause you have let it go.
It’s up to you.
Moment to moment, it’s up to you to pause, and see how you are, now.
“I live by letting things happen.” -Dogen
As you increasingly realize that resisting experience is our only problem—and all resistance is in thought only—the resisting mind dies out on its own.
And what remains is the peace and happiness of pure awareness.
Thanks for coming in.