Just Be
“Happiness is simply the knowing of our own being—the natural, effortless and innate condition of our self when it is no longer pulled into an imaginary past or projected into an imaginary future by resistance and seeking.”
-Rupert Spira
Mental habits project a false sense of reality.
Problems are imagined, and remain as such in inattention. What you know as imagined, however, cannot harm, bother or affect you.
When you are not imagining—not thinking about what isn’t happening—you are naturally happy. Realize the truth and beauty of that.

Become interested in your thoughts. As you watch your mind and witness what you are creating, your reality perfects itself without any effort on your part.
Nature runs on silence.
You eat food and your body takes care of the rest. Similarly, pay attention and living takes care of itself. It really does.
In self-remembrance: you know you are aware—first you learn, and then more and more become the true, peaceful nature of your inner mind.
For a few minutes, just sit quietly and know you are not doing anything at all. No need to think about anything; be at peace for a bit. Repeat as necessary. Just be.
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