Learned versus Insight Knowledge
“Shift your attention from words to silence and you will hear.” -Nisargadatta Maharaj
There is no relationship between learned and insight knowledge.
Learned knowledge is received from others; initially, from parents and schooling. Everything we think we know is only what we have been told, remembered, and believed to be true.
Learned knowledge changes continuously as new information arrives, and again, is accepted as true.
Insight occurs in silence, and the knowledge gained from insight is irrefutable and forever yours.

Nisargadatta Maharaj
Through the portal of silence, insight liberates.
For example, should you realize that any problem disappears the moment you stop thinking about it, you will always know where to look if a problem appears. Your mind, unveiled, is now a friend, rather than foe.
All problems share a common origin: Desire. Something isn’t how you want it to be. When you become aware of desire, look into it with this filter: can I change it, or not? If you can fix it, fix it. If it cannot be changed, leave it alone; let it go. Apply the “can I fix it” filter in daily life, and you will find that happiness is letting go.
Thinking is the barrier to insight. Thus, the teachings of Zen, Buddhism, and non-dualism aim to simply still, or quiet the mind. Only when the mind is quiet can something fresh, something liberating, be realized.
The permanent reversal of a previously held misconception is the working of insight.
Watch your life for things that cannot be changed. Can you change the weather? Can you do anything about the car that just cut you off? Can you change what has happened, or what might happen?
There is, however, one change you can make: Since what is here and now cannot be avoided, stop wanting what is unchangeable to be different. Just do that and see what happnes.
Plunge into the present moment with every fiber, every atom, of your being. Be still, and know that you are.