More And More…

On his 12th birthday, the greatest pistol shooter on the planet: Robbie Leatham!
“You have to start with what you are, where you are now. You are aware of the present state. You are now, you are not past, you are not future, but you are now. In that state of awareness, you don’t need to cling to a concept about who you are and what you will be. Concept cannot exist in the present state, but awareness is very much there.” -Chögyam Trungpa
Supremely grounded in the present is the way to be, the way to live.
Nothing is more debilitating than worrying, which is always about the past or the future. So, don’t think about what isn’t happening.
As you become aware of disturbing thoughts, let them go. Simply noticing thoughts … lets them go. It’s truly magical, and truly effortless.
Conflicting concepts such as good or bad, like or dislike, mine or not-mine, are absent when you know you are aware.
More and more, know you are aware, and see what happens to your life.
When you know you are aware, you are what you know.