Our True Nature

“We learn all things by relying on our consciousness. The existence of things, however, is not to be trusted in the end.” -Fa Yung

Throughout all eras, masters have been pointing us toward our True Nature. Our True Nature being what we actually are, as opposed to what we have been conditioned to believe we are. 

I put together a collection of my favorite quotes from various masters, and arranged them in an order that might be helpful to understand, and be, what we actually are.

“Individuality is a myth.” -Krishnamurti

“The body has no awareness.” -Bodhidharma

“The body is insentient. You are the Self.” -Ramana Maharshi

“The Self is present in all perceptions as the perceiver.” -Ramana Maharshi

“You are awareness. Awareness is another name for you.” -Ramana Maharshi

That what we actually are is a physical form—which seemingly exists independently from its environment, but in fact is totally dependent on it—is a conditioned concept.

Being aware is the only experience that is not a conditioned concept.

Randomly, pause into silence and experience the wordless perfection of our True Nature. 

“Before you think, you are.” Nisargadatta Maharaj

“Keep your mind still. That is enough. … When the mind becomes still, the power of the Self will be experienced. The waves of the Self are pervading everywhere. If the mind is in peace, one begins to experience them.” -Ramana Maharshi