Pause Into…

Getting ready to tear up the streets of Viet Nam!
“Man is ensnared in the continuum called Past-Future. His attention remains fixated there, uninterrupted. To free oneself from the trap, even for a single instant, return to the point of presence, of being, of being no thing in particular. In this moment then, miraculously, the snare dissolves.”
-Wu Hsin
To know you are aware is infinitely superior to any other state.
Set aside some time each day to be self-aware. To be self-aware is to know you are aware.
As you exhale, pause into silence. And note: awareness is inherently peaceful; in it there is no desire.
Also in awareness is a subtle, underlying feeling of “not two.”
When self-aware, everything works out beautifully and you are naturally happy.
All you have to do is listen.