See What Happens

Daddyo and Candis in Hawaii for my big six-0.

“…there is no connection between your senses and the outside world…” 

Last night on the porch, I realized for the first time… He is saying that the body does not perceive anything.

So then who is the perceiver?

According to Ramana Maharshi:
“The body is insentient. You are the Self. The Self is present in all perceptions as the perceiver.”

And another from Ramana:
“The man is deluded by the intermingling of the conscious Self with the insentient body.”

And one more:
“You are Awareness. Awareness is another name for you.

Ramana is saying that our true Self—or what we actually are—is Awareness.

As each moment permits, pause into the silent perfection of Awareness.

And see what happens.

“The body has no awareness.”