Until You Think…

Resting … after a hard day at brianenos.com…
“Because hearing is itself sound, no one hears a sound. This truth applies generally to all sense-objects.”
-Sri Atmananda
Until you think, nothing is.
For instance, take what we call a flower. Upon visual contact, what was initially pure seeing becomes a “I” see a “flower.”
“There is the scent and the beauty of a flower. But who knows what a flower really is?” -Sri Atmananda
Implied in a name is identity: you believe the name is the thing. Hidden within identity is a false sense of possession: You feel things and experiences are yours, or not yours.
The fewer things you identify with, the better.
I found, if I do not identify who I am with an imagined past or future, I am free of both.
Problems disappear on their own if you stop believing anything is its name.
What is, is love. Love is the appreciation of being. Rest in the silent knowing of being, and, as living takes care of itself—you are complete.
Thanks for coming in.