When You Know…
“We find that we can be free by simply resting in natural awareness, by simply letting be. That is how to liberate any disturbing emotion, any thought, any habitual tendency.” -Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Watch your mind for examples of helpful thoughts, with the goal of reducing, and, finally, eliminating unknown thoughts.
Conscious thoughts are always helpful because you know you are thinking.
For example, you are aware of every item you write on a grocery list. If you didn’t wonder where your keys were, you’d leave without them.
Conversely, when you don’t know you are thinking, those thoughts are usually debilitating.
Useless problems share two conditions: You don’t know you are thinking, and, therefore, don’t know what you are thinking about.
The above is the definition of inattention, and is, according to Wu Hsin, “the only evil.”
Be more aware. Awareness, on its own, dissolves the damage left behind by inattention.
All posts “On Living.”
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