Witness This

My first 45 ACP, and BabyJoni at 18 months.
“That which cannot change, remains. The great peace, the deep silence, the hidden beauty of reality remain. While it cannot be conveyed through words, it is waiting for you to experience for yourself.”
-Nisargadatta Maharaj
Remain silent and witness this astonishing fact: You are only aware of a thought after it has disappeared.
What is the significance of that? Realize that when something is bothering you, or is not how you want it to be, you are caring about thoughts that have disappeared.
Under every thought, sensation, feeling or perception, is pure awareness. “Pure,” in that it is not personal or conditioned.
The irreducible element in every experience is the knowing of it. We are that knowing.
Know you are aware without caring about anything you are aware of.
“The man is deluded by the intermingling of the conscious Self with the insentient body.” -Ramana Maharshi